General Principles of Food Hygiene training course General principles of food hygiene to support GHP

Thai Luxe Enterprise (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of PP Prime Public Company Limited, conducts a training course on General Principles of Food Hygiene. To support good hygiene standards in food production or GHP (Good Hygiene Practice), which is a food safety standard. that apply the principles of good manufacturing methods or GMP (Good
Manufacturing Practice) to be appropriate and consistent with the food production activities of the factory industry group. The GMP law is enforced to ensure food production meets quality standards. and safe for consumers This includes good hygiene practices, good manufacturing practices, and traceability that determines the basic environment. and operating conditions that set the basis for the application of the HACCP system.
by such courses covering food hazard control primary production Design of facilities and equipment training and competence maintenance cleaning and control of disease-carrying animals personal hygiene operational control Product information and consumer awareness and cargo
On December 2, 2022 at Thai Luxe Enterprise (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Khao Yoi District, Phetchaburi Provin