M.L. Panpeangduen Sangkhapong, Chief Executive Officer (2nd from right) and Mr. Pravendee Khajorndej, Chief Accountant and Finance Officer (1st from right) PP Prime Public Company Limited or PPPM TLUXE205A shareholders’ meeting to consider and approve the cancellation of the agreement on the payment of the difference from the sale of STAR shares in the event that the Company is unable to sell the shares at the Company’s estimated price of Baht 60,000,000. As agreed by the Company at the debenture holders’ meeting No. 1/2563 on February 27, 2018, so that the Company can sell STAR shares and all proceeds from the sale of such shares to repay the debentures. The Company will pay a fee to each debenture holder at the rate of 0.15% of the principal amount of the debentures reimbursed to each debenture holder by the debenture holders’ meeting. Apr 5 2564 at SC Park Hotel, Bangkok